How To Clean A Garbage Disposal To Eliminate Stinky Odours


How To Clean A Garbage Disposal To Eliminate Stinky Odours

By : Amelia Taylor
Imagine you walk into your kitchen one morning to get a cup of tea, and you come across a pungent smell from your garbage disposal. As unpleasant as it sounds, this frequently occurs when your garbage disposal is full of scraps or has not been cleaned properly. To avoid such dirty garbage disposal, it is necessary to clean it properly every day. You can do this by looking through your pantry and finding helpful home remedies. Many of these natural remedies are used by professionals hired for end of lease cleaning in Townsville to remove the stench. Let us take a look at some of these effective home remedies for removing odour from the garbage disposal.

1. Start With Ice

Ice is one of the best home remedies you should use to start cleaning your garbage disposal so that you can get rid of any domestic waste.
  • First, take one or two ice cubes and toss them in your garbage disposal.
  • Now, put your garbage disposal on and fill it with cold water.
  • While the water is going down the garbage disposal, the ice will clean out any food scraps from the side of your disposal and get rid of any smells.
  • It would be best to keep the garbage disposal on for an hour to let all the ice melt.
  • If there are still some food scraps sticking to the sides, you must add some more ice cubes.
  • Then, you should take some kosher salt and pour it down the garbage disposal and put the disposal on.
  • This will eliminate any sticky substances and get rid of the odours in your kitchen.
  • You should try this method just once a week to avoid harming the garbage disposal blades.

  • 2. Get Some Citrus Fruits

    If you feel that ice didn’t work for your garbage disposal, you can head into your pantry and grab some citrus fruits like lemons or oranges. Citric acid is not only effective for cleaning and stain removal but also helps clean your garbage disposal and leaves a pleasant smell. To do this, you must:
  • Cut up a few lemon wedges and oranges into tiny pieces.
  • Next, throw these cubes into the garbage disposal and turn on the disposal.
  • It would be best to leave the disposal on for an hour while the fruits grind against the disposal and get rid of any slime and dirt.
  • Since these citrus fruits are acidic, they will also eliminate any grime and sticky substances.
  • Once the disposal is clean, you can turn it off and enjoy the pleasant citrusy smell.

  • 3. Use Baking Soda

    Sometimes the citrus fruits might not be able to get rid of very tough blockages or smells. In such cases, many professional bond cleaners in Townsville recommend using baking soda to clean out tough spots in your garbage disposal. This is especially a good idea if you plan on vacating your home and need to give your kitchen a deep clean before any new tenants arrive. To do this, you must:
  • Start by taking a tablespoon of baking soda and pouring it down the garbage disposal.
  • Next, you must switch the disposal on and pour some water into it.
  • Keep the tap running to let the baking soda wash out any dirt and grime and thoroughly cleanse your garbage disposal.

  • 4. Add-In Some Vinegar

    To make baking soda even more effective, you can combine it with vinegar to work on any challenging areas in your garbage disposal. You can do this in the following manner:
  • Firstly, add a tablespoon of baking soda into the drainage.
  • Next, you should pour a cup of vinegar over the baking soda and wait for five minutes.
  • The vinegar will react with the baking soda to deodorize and cleanse your drainage and remove any tough spots and sticky food particles.
  • Once the disposal is completely clean, you can then flush this mixture down with some water.

  • 5. Try Some Bleach

    Another effective home remedy to clean your garbage disposal besides vinegar and baking soda is bleach. You must be careful in choosing what bleach you use as it can be intense. Also, do not combine bleach with vinegar or baking soda, as this can cause toxic gases that are harmful to you. To use bleach as an effective cleanser:
  • You should firstly pick a brand of bleach that is not too strong.
  • Once you have bought the bleach, wear gloves and then pour a cup of it down the garbage disposal.
  • Next, you must put the tap on to keep the bleach from clogging up.
  • Leave the bleach for about 30 minutes before switching the garbage disposal on.
  • Once it is completely clean, switch off the garbage disposal.
  • This will help clean out your garbage disposal and eliminate any solid and pungent smells in your kitchen.

  • 6. Scrape the rubber flanges

    Besides these home remedies, it is also essential to clean out the rubber flanges of the garbage disposal. The rubber flanges are beneath the garbage disposal and often get filled with food scraps and hazardous waste and can smell. This is the part that prevents the food from coming up again. Therefore, you need to clean the rubber flanges of your garbage disposal regularly, especially if you are planning to vacate the home. Most professionals who are hired for bond cleaning in Townsville ensure that the rubber flange is adequately cleaned to get the bond back. You can also keep the rubber flange clean by:
  • Taking some dish soap and applying it to a toothbrush.
  • Next, use this toothbrush to scrape the rubber flange thoroughly to remove any built-up gunk.
  • You can also use some anti-bacterial cleaner on a toothbrush and scrape the sides to eliminate any harmful bacteria.

  • In Conclusion

    You must try some of these methods to make sure your garbage disposal is completely clean so that you can enjoy some pleasant fragrances from your kitchen.